
  MASK OFF, "THIS IS WHO I AM"      What does it mean to wear a mask? - Alot of people wear a mask (verb) in the real world for many different reasons. Wearing a mask typically, means hiding who you truly are and giving people a different version of yourself than what/who you really are. Many people wear masks, some don't even notice it but most of the time we all wear masks thinking that's what will make our lives easier. The 1st most common place is in the workplace. People wear masks in the workplace to try to impress their colleagues or rather, their employer. But that's not what we're gonna cover on this blog. L G B T I When you first find out your true sexuality, it's kind of hard not to wear a mask. The first thing that comes to mind is "what are people going to say/think", this is mainly because we're all scared of rejection and being seen as a disappointment. We're all scared that our families won't
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